2017   Spi Ouest 2017 Voiles de St Barth Tour de Belle Île GP du Crouesty Obélix Trophy Mondial 2017 Atlantique Tel.
   2016   Spi Ouest 2016 Voiles de St Barth European J111 2016 Mondial 2016 Cowes Week 2016 Jeff Campana La Double 1F 1H 1B
   2015     Voiles de St Barth Tour de Belle ile Mondial 2015 Jeff Campana Mango Bowl 1F 1H 1B  

J Storm

Bateau 1
Construction 2011
N° de coque # 54
N° de voiles ITA 4465
Rating IRC 1,096
Pays Italie
Port Rome
Skipper Massimo Colosimo
Ancien Nom Neuf

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  • h1 J/111 J-STORM Crushes RomaXtutti Offshore Race

  • h2 Rome, Italy)- This past weekend, Massimo Colosimo's J/111 J-STORM simply flew across the Mediterranean, winning the 530nm RomaXtutti Offshore race, the longest and most prestigious offshore race in Italy. J/111 JStorm team celebrating offshore raceAfter their finish in Riva di Traiano, the huge, well-deserved victory by Massimo Colosimo and his crew (including Marzio Dotti, Stefano Pellizza and Antonello Perina) was cause for grand celebration. The J-STORM team made the award-winning tactical choice-- contrary to the route taking by most of the fleet along the coast, Colosimo instead opted for a route further offshore which proved to be very advantageous, especially going outside of the islands.  Said Stefano Pelliza, "We won the race in IRC by arriving 4th real-time in a fleet of 60 boats and we finished very close (4 minutes behind) to a 50 ft canting keel racer! We had good fun racing in light wind and sunny conditions. We had beautiful spring sailing conditions and the boat was pretty fast sailing offshore, especially reaching under the spinnaker and staysail combination!" For more RomaXtutti Offshore race sailing information J

Le: 05 Octobre 2012

  • h1 JStorm 5 jours 23 heures 27mn et 6s

  • h2 JStorm 5 jours 23 heures 27mn et 6s Résultats IRC Classe4 La brise n´était pas vraiment au rendez-vous cette année pour les participants à la Rolex Middle Sea Race, mais avec 83 bateaux en lice et des paysages spectaculaires, la magie de cette épreuve annuelle reste intacte. Le départ de la 33e édition de la Rolex Middle Sea Race a été donné le 20 octobre dernier à la Valette (Malte). 19 pays étaient représentés dans cette épreuve annuelle sur un parcours de 606 milles au large de la Sicile JStorm au départ de la RolexMiddleSeaRace 2012 4éme de Roma par Tutti "The first J/111 J-STORM just delivered to owner Massimo Colosimo will race the Middle Sea Race. They just called me now (Wednesday night), on their way to Malta, reaching with full main and Code 0 in medium/heavy SW at the remarkable average speed of 18 knots!" Sure sounds like that Italian crew are going to have a fun, challenging time racing around the track. If there was a race ever purpose-built for any one boat, the J/111 sailed conservatively should do just fine (avoid the corners, my friends!). J

Le: 05 Octobre 2012

Le bateau sera exposé au Salon de Gênes du 1er au 9 Octobre 2011 J