Informations Europe


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Toutes les informations concernant le championnat du monde à Breskens en Hollande en Aout 2018


Le: 20 Mars 2018


Nous saluons avec plaisir l'arrivée de Dominique Wavre et Michèle Paret aux commande de Chaman J, l'ancien J Dream bien connu dans le Solent. Le bateau devrait être stationné en Méditerranée.

Le: 20 Mai 2015

Le programme 2015 des J111 en Europe résumé dans ce document de nos amis anglais, beaucoup plus dynamique que nous

Avec un championnat d'Europe à Cherbourg du 28 au 30 Aout 2015

Ainsi que toutes les informations concernant le championnat du monde à Newport USA en Juin 2015


Le: 03 Mars 2015

Pendant ce temps dans le Solent et haut delà   FlagUK

Début du Mondial J111 2014

le: 19 Aout 2014

British Soldier inscrit en IRC2 dans "Round Britain and Ireland" 1 787 MN (plus qu'a 250MN de l'arrivée)

le: 19 Aout 2014

Nos amis Anglais viennent de terminer la J111 European Cup qui a réuni 13 J111 et ils se préparent à disputer le Mondial J111 2014 pour lequel une vingtaine de J111 sont espérés.

le: 10 Aout 2014

Deux J 111 Inscrits au Tourduf  2014

J4F ainsi qu'Alphalink participent actuellement au tour du Finistère

Classement final J4F second et Alphalink 7éme

le: 10 Aout 2014

Armen Race:

JLance 9 et Alphalink continuent sur leur bonne dynamique, après leurs brillantes places du Spi Ouest France puis du Tour de Belle île, c'est maintenant sur les 217 miles du parcours de l'Armen Race 2014 que les J111 ce sont distingués.

En particulier J Lance 9 dont Didier Le Moal continu la promotion. Parti en dernier départ de la journée pour les monocoques (avec les Imoca, Class40, et IRC1) JLance9 a remonté la flotte des 190 bateaux parti devant lui, seul 1 Imoca, 1 Vor60, et 1 Match45 terminent devant, il laisse entre autre derrière lui la totalité des Class40,donc superbe première place en IRC 1

Alphalink était lui inscrit en Osiris Habitable, il fini second derrière un Pogo40

Un grand bravo à tous les deux pour cette belle démonstration.

Le: 31 Mai 2014


Début de saison en fanfare  pour les J111  en classement  Osiris  et IRC

Les J111 ont trustés  les trois marches du podium  au Spi Ouest France  2014 en classement Osiris

 Alphalink  confirme en gagnant la Tour de Belle Ile

 Pendant queJLance 9  fait second  du classement IRC 1

 Le: 12 Mai 2014

Une vingtaine de J/111 espérés

Le règlement exact reste a préciser


  • Fleche


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    La Cowes Week support de la seconde manche du Championnat d'Europe des J/111 (plus d'informations sur)

    • Fleche Le premier titre Européen pour des Hollandais.

    • Fleche


      Publié le 12/06/2013.

      La régate de tous les superlatifs !

      Superbe, sympa, sportif, convivial, ensoleillé et fun. Les superlatifs ne manquaient pas aux propriétaires pour qualifier ce premier championnat d'Europe des J/111 qui se courrait au Havre du 5 au 9 juin dernier, dans le cadre de la "Normandy Sailing Week".

      Pas moins de 10 manches ont été courues dans des conditions sportives et ensoleillées. Chaque manche fût âprement disputée avec des changements de leader à chaque marque et des arrivées groupées aux bouées. Les compteurs s'affolaient sur le bord de portant oscillant entre 15 et 19 nœuds en permanence.

      Il ne fait aucun doute que cette épreuve est à reconduire l'année prochaine et en attendant c'est à Cowes à l'occasion de «Cowes week» que se déroulera la prochaine épreuve monotype où une quinzaine de J 111 sont attendus.

      Ce sera l'occasion pour les équipages anglais ayant fini sur la deuxième et troisième marche du podium au havre de tenter de s'imposer face à un redoutable équipage Hollandais.

      Face à l'intérêt suscité par le J 111, de tels évènements vont permettre d'attirer de nouveaux propriétaires et donc de confirmer la montée en force de ce magnifique monotype.

      Toutes les images sur


    Le: 14 Juin 2013

    Le Site officiel de la Classe enfin en ligne

    • h1 Une des étape de l' European Tour 2013 des J111 se disputera en Méditerranée

    • J

      h2 La semaine de Porquerolles

      Sera le support de la première régate des J111 OD en Méditerranée

      Du 08 au 12 Mai 2013 les J111 naviguant dans la région, doivent se réunir à Porquerolles pour disputer leur premier régate sous les règles de la classe J111

    Le: 06 Février 2013

    • h1 Le J111 reconnu officiellement monotype international par ISAF

    • h2 Si l' accord de principe existait depuis longtemps: C'est seulement cette semaine que la reconnaissance du J/111 comme monotype international dans la classe hauturier (Yacht) a été définitivement entérinée par l' ISAF.

      Un dossier long et compliqué qui abouti enfin

      Des réglés de classe claires et validées par ISAF vont nous permettre de régater durant des année à armes égales sans états d'âme sur le rating ou les conditions météos les plus favorables au bateau.

    Le: 06 Février 2013

    Tous mes vœux de bonne et heureuse année 2013 à tous,

    Le: 01 Janvier 2013

    Nouvelles RCV 2013-2016

  • Fleche


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  • Fleche
    • h1 Le J111 Europen Tour est né

    • h2 Circuit européen J 111 2013: quatre évènements principaux, plus un en méditerranée si possible.

      Voir la vidéo de Frédéric (président de la classe)

      h3 Spi Ouest en Avril 2013en France

      h3 Normandy sailing week (européen J111) du 6-9 Juin 2013 en France

      h3 J CUP ou Cowes week 18-25 Aout 2013 en Angleterre

      h3 Breskens sailing week-end les 29/30/31 Aout 2013 en Hollande

      Le but est de créer un championnat autour de ces épreuves, avec attribution de points et classement annuel au bout du compte.


    Le: 3 Sept. 2012

    • FlecheRéunion à Londres le 10 Septembre 2012

    • FlecheA l'initiative de Kirsty J Dream
      Firstly let me introduce myself to those who do not know me. I am Kirsty Apthorp who together with my husband David, own the J/111 J-Dream. We have had a great first season and have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunites to race one-design and to meet many new owners and crews around Europe. Some of the pontoon parties are legendary already, which is quite an achievement in the Class' first year. We hope you are also enjoying your new toy!
      It has been suggested by a number of people that we should get together to agree what events we would like to do next year as a one-design class and then requests can be made to Clubs for our own Class start. In the interests of promoting our class it is important that as many of us as possible turn up to the same events - the racing is also better! I will compile a calendar of events in the UK and include Spi-Ouest but if any of our European chums have any special requests, we either look forward to seeing you in London or please drop me an email.
      At the same time I know there has been alot of "bar chat" about the one-design rules and whether or not we can apply to have them amended. Hot topics seem to be furler v tuff luff, sail cloth, sail designand crew weight (from memory - I did warn you, people usually speak to me when white wine is involved!!). It would be good if we can bottom these out and make the appropriate representation onor acceptance of the existing rules.
      It is also a good opportunity to meet socially and put faces to names, so the suggestion is Monday 10 Septemberin the Fastnet Room at RORC in St James', Londonwith the intention of meeting for a drink from 1830and starting the discussion at 1915. To ensure we can accomodate as many requests for 2013 as possible, it would be great if you could attend or if not perhaps nominate a crew member who could speak on your behalf. I need to advise RORC of approximate numbers so can you please advise if you will attend.
      If I have missed any other owners, please let me know and feel free to invite them to join us.
      Finally, I had many of your email addresses already but those I did not have I pestered J-UK for. So please do not blame them!
      07989 990935

      h3Réponse de Robin Xentric-Ripper

      Hello Kirsty,


      How are you? I saw that– We have just become Dutch IRC div. 2 National Champions last weekend with my Xcentric Ripper !!


      Thanks for your mail that i received last week in regards to J/111 one design events. I Agree that this sort of meeting between owners should be held in order to establish a solid class.


      By the way, I have entered a few email-adresses more because I saw they were missing in your list.

      Unfortunately I will not be able to come over to London on monday the 10th, since we have our (HISWA) boat show running until Sunday-evening the 9th, and need to spent time with new potential customers on J/111 and J/70…..


      The European Jboats dealers have had a dealer meeting last week in Les Sables, and we have discussed the fact that we want to run 4 ‘official’ one design events next year in the northern part of Europe.

      Our idea was:

      Spi ouest France ( Eastern 2013 )

      Cowes Week ( 18-25 August ) – since some of the boats want to participate the Fastnet race afterwards

      Doville / Trouvile one design week – Ask for organisation of the European Championships ( this is the most central and easy to reach place for UK / France and Benelux Boats ) ( 6-9 Juni 2013 )

      Breskens sailing weekend – As i wanted to have one event in Holland as well ….. ( 29/30/31 Augustus 2013 )

      Possibly 1 extra event in the MED.


      We can run a championship over best of 3 events, there could be an over-all winner at the end of the year.

      I hope this provides ground for you to discuss with other owners, and do hope that some of them are also happy to come over to Holland this winter! ( please see hereunder )

      On top of that, I have informed all the dealers that during this winter season we will have one design racing in the South-west part of Holland ( Zeeland) , in Marina Port Zeelande on the Grevelingen meer

      At least we will have 4 boats there is a ( 2 x Belgium Boats ( DJin & J-Bie ) – and two Dutch Boats ( Xcentric Ripper & Sweeny ) and hope to have the Swiss couple Mr/Ms Sigg ( Lallekonig ) with us as Well.

      Next to that there is talking with a few other customers that could start to join us during these series.


      The waters in which we sail is Salt, No current – and well sheltered and hardly effected if it starts freezing. Also the location is good to reach by car and there is a holyday park next to it, so a place to sleep is easy to organise.

      Specially for south-East based British boats, as well as for Northern French based Boats I hope it could be attractive to come over for the winter too! – It could bring all of us more forward and in good shape for the first real one design season!


      By the way, the event is called ‘Grevelingen Winter series ‘ runs for 7 race days ( most of the time 3 races per day ) Please have a look at

      The berthing is free of charge, as long as a boat sails 6 out of 7 race-days ( but no control as I have experienced )..

      The racing days of this winter series for 2012-2013 are sailed on the following Sundays:


      Ø 21 Oktober 2012

      Ø 18 November 2012

      Ø 16 December 2012

      Ø 13 Januari 2013

      Ø 10 Februari 2013

      Ø 16 Maart 2013 - Rond de Platen Race

      Ø 17 Maart 2013 - Finale Winterserie 2012-2013

      In between we have proposed our own team to implement Training sessions Boat/Boat testing and tuning with our boat on:

      Sunday 4 november

      2 december

      30 december

      27 januari

      24 februari

      I hope this provides ground for you to discuss with other owners, and do hope that some of them are happy to come over to Holland this winter!


      Met vriendelijke groet,


      R.J.P. Verhoef, dir

      h3 Réponse de Andy Oje

      Hi Kirsty,


      I have read through your email and have a few comments.


      I feel that if we are making changes to class rules they should encompass USA as well as Europe.


      Furlers: from our experiences in the J Cup it would appear that furled headsails were working as well as those with horizontal battens, so is there a need a change the rule away from furler….in my opinion, not necessary.


      Sail cloth: I will go with the flow.


      Crew weight: I will go with the flow although it is apparent that the boat suffers within fleet if crew weight is light, more so than I was expecting.


      You will know that OJE is predominantly an offshore boat and it is unlikely that we will be campaigning in many “round-the-can” regattas so I am coming at the situation from an IRC perspective rather than fleet so my only concern about variations is that we don’t break off in a different direction from USA.


      Kind regards



      h3 Réponse de Alfred Munkenbeck


      My only issue has to do with crew weight.

      I would guess that the average weight of a crew member on my boat is 87.5 kilos which is what I weigh and think I am skinny. We like to sail with 8. This would indicate a natural crew weight limit of 700 kilos. I think the existing limit is too tight for average racing unless we are going to start asking men to go on diets like wrestlers.

      I will try to make the Monday event.

      best regards.

      Alfred (Munkenbeck)

      h3 Réponse de Sebastien Djinn

      Hi Kirsty,
      As explained to you earlier today I will not be able to join you for tonight's discussion in London. After the discussion we had on the phone I thought it would be useful to summarize our position as owners of Belgium-based Djinnon the various topics on tonight's agenda:
      1.1.The 4 events in the current calendar (Spi Ouest, Normandy sailing Week, Cowes Week and Breskens Sailing Weekend) are fine for us. Those are good events, spread evenlyover time and geographically, which makes for easier planning with the crew. Our plan is to attend all 4 events next year.
      1.2. Next to that we will alsotake partRound the Island Race as well as the Rolex Fastnet Race + 2 qualifiers (most likely Cervantes Trophy & Myth of Malham Race),plus a series of local race in Belgium that most of you will probably never care about ;-)
      1.3.We are open to any adjustment in the OD program (J-Cup?) as long as it remains balanced and manageable in terms of locations and dates.
      2.1. First some background information about us
      - Prior to buying Djinn last April wespent 4 yearsdoing IRC racing on a 20-year old Jeaneau JOD 35. Our creware 100% Corinthian and absolutelythrilled by the opportunity they have now to learn, improve and get into serious one-design racingagainst other competitive crew on a very competitive boat.
      - To us however, true one-design racing should provide as much a level-playing field as possible to everyone so that it is the boat with the best crew that wins, not the boat with the owner having the biggest wallet.
      - So wevote vehemently against any changes to the class rules that would give some owners an incentive to start an arms race that other owners - us included - would not be able to afford financially over the longer run.
      2.2. Now about the changes under discussion:
      - Tuff-luff vs furler: We love the convenience of the furler but have used tuff luff in the past and would see no issue with reverting to tuff-luff on Djinn since the costs are minimal and t will keep our bowman and mastman complaining that there is not enough work for them on the foredeck;-)
      - Crew weight / limit: Although it involves some extrapre-race adminand might force me to embark on a diet coming Winter we believe that a weight limit is more objective than a limit on the number of crew itself (only limit on number of people should bedictated by the boat's EN certification for inshore racing,i.e. I think 10 people?). Not against moving the weight limit a notch higher though, say towards 675 kg... (as a side comment, shorts and t-shirts suits our sene of decency,and we can probably afford starting an arm's race on that specific piece of gear ;-)
      - Crew qualifications: We strongly believe that current class rules limiting the number of professional sailors onboard to 1 person should be maintained. That kind of animal usually does not embark for free, especially when they comeas a herd, and we would personally not be able to afford going the direction of hiring more pro crew- No arms race please, let's make sure that our crews remain largely Corinthian and that everyone has a chance to win on merit alone.
      - Sail inventory / sail cloth: Again "no arms race" here please,i.e. (1) sail inventory as per current OD class rules is largely enough, (2) one should try to stick toone singleset of measured OD sailsper season / limit new sails purchase (but need to deal with boats like ours who will sail a lot in IRC as well next to OD), (3) limitor somehow control the (ab)use of fancy and expensive sail cloth (3Di, etc.) - not against it per se, but let's make sure everyone can keep the pace on investments required to have & maintaina competitive boathaving a decent chance to win. So far we cannot afford to buy a full set of new sails every season or so, unless one of you has a good sponsoring deal to propose us,:-)
      - Tonight's meeting in London is a great initiative, thanks Kirsty for making it happen!
      - Ideally this should take place on a regular basis, say once a season, to discuss one-design program and class rules
      - We should make sure thatJ111 ownerswho cannot attendin personare fully informed of the specific points on the meeting agenda andcan easily provide their input remotely
      - I would alsolove to have a contact list of European J111 owners/skippers. Does that exist already?
      - Would be nice to have an online meeting point as well, e.g. blog or discussion group...
      That's it I think. I very much enjoyed meeting some of you during Cowes Week last August and hope we'll have many more opportunities to sail agains each other in 2013... And beware! We are planning some serious training over the Winter to make sure at least some of you will see our transom more often next year ;-)
      Sebastien de Liedekerke
      On behalf of S de Liedeekrke, JP Smal and G Hallemans, owners of Djinn (BEL 11111, Hull #68)

      h3 Compte rendu de la réunion

      Apologies for this having not been written sooner, but my day job has been a bit busy this week!

      Here is a round up of the conversation and points which were discussed by the J/111s on Monday evening. I am sure there will be comments to be made and I would appreciate if you could let me have these direct to avoid clogging up mailboxes, particularly any strong objections to any of the points raised. We may then need a further email discussion before we seek J-UKs support for the document to be sent to the European Class President.

      2013 Calendar
      • It was noted and understood that in the interests of good one-design racing and to enable race reports which promote the J/111 to be written, it is in all owner's interests to attend as many of these regattas as possible.
      • The marketing benefits of having an European Circuit for 2013 were understood, although some were of the opinion that Normandy Week and Cowes Week would be the only ones which they would attend. This European circuit is now confirmed as:
      Spi Ouest, France 28 March - 1 April
      Normandy Week 6 - 9 June
      Cowes Week 3 - 10 August
      Breskens Regatta 29 - 31 August
      • We have been invited by Cowes Corinthian to compete at Vice Admirals Cup. The date for this event is 17 - 19 May.
      • The regattas on the attached spreadsheet were those preferred by the UK boats with discussion to be had regarding:
        • whether we would race with Royal Southern or Royal Thames? Any preference? The racing with Royal Thames may also include the Kerr 40s and Farr 45s. Proposal would be a number of short sharp races on Saturday and Sunday.Generally felt this would raise the profile and would be good kudos!
        • Royal Escape Race - approx 60 miles from Brighton to Fecamp which could be used as the delivery race to Le Havre for Normandy Week. This departs Brighton on Friday 24 May 2013. There was interest from a number of boats in this race to France which is often great conditions for the J/111 and there is a good social event on arrival in France.
          Dartmouth Regatta - 29 - 31 August - this clashes with Breskens Regatta. However there may be interest from the Irish contingent to make the trip to Dartmouth. We would need to make a decision regarding this regatta to ensure we can obtain a Class start.
      Points/answers asked to raise regarding regatta schedule:
      • Spi Ouest - what are the options for delivery - road or sea? Sea takes approximately three days.
      • Normandy Week - Would it be possible to race for an extra day? - agreed to include 6 June. It is not possible for the fleet to be berthed in Honfleur as Le Havre sponsor the regatta. The J/111 fleet can make it in and out of Le Havre with no lock or other issues regarding depth. Free mooring will be available for two weeks before ie. on arrival after Fecamp and for one week after the regatta. Prizegiving on the Sunday will be arranged to enable the 1830 ferry to be caught back to the UK.
      • Royal Thames proposed dates 29/30 June and 21/22 September and they would be delighted to have us!
      • Cowes Week - will we have our own start? Requests were made before Cowes Week 2012 but unfortunately too late and as it turned out we would not have had enough entries. A request will be made as part of the "wash-up" of Cowes Week 2012 feedback and we understand the Cowes Committee support a J/111 Class for 2013 if they can accommodate it.
      • JCup - if we have enough boats, min 8 we would have our own start.
      • Dartmouth Regatta - it would be possible to race one-design subject to entry numbers. This does unfortunately clash with the regatta in Holland.

      • Professionals (C3.1)
        • There was a proposal that the number should be increased from one to four. For - to encourage owners with established crews to consider the J/111 in their choice of boat; some owners would like to sail with their sailmaker and the person who maintains their boat. Against - there is interest in the current economic climate to keep costs at a manageable level; one professional is enough to raise the performance; unlikely to find four professionals who would sail for "free" and therefore opening discussion regarding payments; owners purchased because they wanted the benefits of a Corinthian Class. Agreed that this rule should not be amended and should remain as one Class 3, who for the avoidance of doubt may not be paid to sail with the boat. Proposed that the rule should be amended to clarify that payment cannot be made apart from for "reasonable expenses"
      • Crew Weight (C3.3) - discussion re number of persons v weight limit. General preference for a weight limit as long as it is implemented. Agreed that all boats would participate in arranging weigh-ins and Kirsty's Slimming World calibrated scales would be Class scales in the UK.
        • Many crews during 2012 have found the weight limit very difficult to achieve and it has required crew to be left ashore who are regular sailors on the boats for IRC events. This has made managing crew very difficult. Agreed need to encourage teenagers/females to participate in the Class, therefore calculating a weight based on 8/9 men would not be appropriate. Average weight in UK, US and Germany for male and female calculated. On this basis proposal would be to request amendment to the weight limit for the J/111 Class for European one-design events to 730kg.
      • Equipment (C7.1)
        • Bobstay - Request for a bobstay to be permitted. It was agreed that although no poles have broken, there was a considerable amount of flex in the pole. As many boats would be racing IRC and would fit a bobstay, it was agreed that this should be permitted equipment, but that the control of it should not be run to the cockpit or outside of the hull.
        • Furler v tuff luff -Discussion was based around aesthetics and the fact that many boats actually drop their sails rather than furling. It was agreed that boats should be able to choose between using either a tuff luff or a furler and there should be no penalty ie. weight carried to compensate.
        • Hull - rules to be clarified that hulls may not be professionally faired.
        • Sails (G3)
          • Design - discussion regarding how we can encourage boats to race one-design whilst many are also often racing under IRC and achieving great results, which raises the profile of the Class. After discussion it was agreed that the mainsail for one-design racing should be as optimised for IRC and the dimensions in the rules amended accordingly. Dimensions to be confirmed. It was noted that there are larger mainsails in existence. Proposed these sails would be grandfathered as long as they have been used on the boat and would remain permitted with that boat for as long as it remains in the current ownership. The only exception to this was noted to be Manic which is currently for sale and has a larger main, where it was agreed that the new owner should be permitted to use the current sails.
          • Cloth - It is not the intention of the Class to prevent investment in sail design or material, but the opposite. All are keen to encouragedevelopment and potentially the phased introduction of "Grand Prix" sailcloth. It was proposed and agreed after discussion that for 2013 the type of sailcloth for one-design events should be restricted to only permit one sail of 3Di, to enable this to be trialled. Agreed that during 2013 the fleet would review the longevity of different cloths, their performance and cost. Again for those boats who already have composite cloth sails it was discussed that their sails should be grandfathered as long as they have been used and for as long as they stay with the boat in the same ownership.
        • IRC - proposed to agree standard hull data as there appears to be a large variation in current hull weights and consequently impacts overhangs and ultimately influences IRC handicaps. It was noted that the sails are also a major factor in IRC handicap rating. I will discuss with Paul Heys after Southampton Boat Show.
        I look forward to seeing the UK boats out on the water for the Hamble Big Boat Series in early October, but meanwhile would appreciate any feedback if possible by Friday 21 September 2012 so that conversations with Clubs can be progressed and their calendars finalised. Feel free to call if easier to chat.

        07989 990935

        h3 Ma réponse Stéphane Le Jouet

      Hi Kisty,

      Thank you for your feed back (great job).

      For calendar every thing is ok

      About Rules:

      • Professionals (C3.1) very strong objections
      • Crew Weight (C3.3)very strong objections
      • Equipment (C7.1)
        1. Bobstay we agree
        2. Furler v tuff luffwe agree with big penalty weight carried in Forward mooring cleats to compensate
      • Sails (G3) we agree for mailsail and think that changing sails will be very strongly restricted

        in conclusion: No professionals, no to much crew, no expensive sails.


        For the new mainsail dimensions have you information about

        ORC, PHRF, HN . . . J111 is a INTERNATIONAL OD



        h3 Réponse de Riccardo Manic

        I appreciate the importance of not starting an expensive race but for new entrants in the class not having the opportunity to have more pros is an handicap. Those teams who have sailed together for a long(er) time obviously do not need to hire anyone else but it has been sometimes difficul to field a crew which can raise the bar...

        I am not familiar with the results but one would assume that, having equivalent boats and non pro teams, results would vary. If one team is predominant, then there must be a "difference".

        one additional cat 3 would not make it too expensive whilst giving enough input to improve performance..

        h3 Réponse de Alfred Munkenbeck


        I think the idea about extra sails is that you can use them in IRC, but just not in one design racing. The purpose of having a J111 instead of a custom open racing machine is to save money and create an even playing field, not to sail as fast as possible. The J111 is purposefully an easy boat to handle. For going super-fast with difficult rigs and sails, there are other types of boats....

        I do accept the tuff luff if people want to drop their jib each leg and carry the weight forward.

        h3 Réponse de John Djinn

        Thanks for all your efforts and hard work to get all organised. Hereby we send you our opinion.
        Regarding the calendar we have no objections.
        Please note that in Holland we will sail the winterseries Grevelingencup, with all Benelux J/111 on the Sunday's and we wil try to organize training and get uniform boat-tuning on the Saturday's before.
        - professionals (C3.1) : one Group3 sailor
        - crewweight (C3.3) : 730 kg ,ok
        - equipment (C7.1) : bobstay,ok
        Tuff luff, allowed ,with or without penalty weight
        Hull, ok
        -sails (G3). : we agree on restriction 3Di and mainsail according IRC

        We hope to see more J/111 in Holland during the Grevelingencup!


    Sept. 2012


    Après le SPI OUEST encore une égalité de points parfaite entre J Dream et J Lance 7, mais cette fois c'est J Dream qui l'emporte


    Résultats J Cup UK 2012

    8 J111 inscrits pour la J Cup UK à Hamble

    • h1Un résumer vidéo de la classe J111 au Spi Ouest France (40mn).

    • h2

    • h1 Nouveau site internet pour J Composites.

    • h2 Grande nouvelle, car l' attente état forte, J Composites dispose à nouveau d'une vitrine sur internet


    Le: 30 Mars. 2012

    Les règles de classe en français (merci J Composites)

    Le: 22 Mars 2012

    Aux dernières nouvelles un quatrième J/111 Français inscrit auSpi ouest

    Le: 21 Mars 2012

    • h1La sixième nation représentée en classe monotype J111 au Spi Ouest France 2012 ne sera pas l'Espagne mais l'Italie.

    • h2C'est effectivement B. Flavio sur Justice qui sera présent parmi nous
      Le récapitulatif actuel des inscrits auSpi Ouest France nous donne

      h33 Français

      h33 Anglais

      h31 Hollandais

      h31 Italien

      h31 Belges

      h31 Suédois

    Le: 17 Mars. 2012

    La Classe J111 est née, son président est français, il s'appelle Frédéric Bouvier et travail chez J Composites, il nous a promis plus d'informations dans le courant de la semaine.

    Le: 29 Fév. 2012

    • h1 10 Bateaux et 5 ou 6 Nations ? au Spi Ouest en J111

    • h2

      La mieux représentée sera probablement l'Angleterre avec 4 J111 suivi de la France 3 bateaux puis la Hollande, la Belgique, La Suède et peut être l'Espagne.

    Le: 15 Fév. 2012

    • h1Les nouvelles règles de classe vont êtres rapidement traduites en FRANÇAIS.

    • h2 Elles sont indispensables au Jury du Spi Ouest France et bien que déposées à l' ISAF, je crois savoir que la version française doit être ratifiée par la Fédération Française de Voile avant application.

    : 06 Fév. 2012


    Participation confirmée deDjinn, J111 Belge et de Blur J111 Suédois.

    Le: 02 Fév. 2012

    A priori les trois prochains J111 seront livrés en Angleterre et les trois suivants en France à temps pour participer au Spi Ouest France, si tous ce passe comme prévu

    un Suédois

    un Belges et

    un Espagnol seront également présents avec nous au Spi.

    Le: 20 Jan. 2012

  • Fleche


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  • Fleche

    Notre cadeau de Noël de cette fin d' année 2011 vient de SuèdeN C'est la participation deBLUR au Spi Ouest France 2012 avec 5 Français, 3 Anglais.1 Espagnol et 1 Suédois. C'est la certitude de notre monotypie à la Trinité début Avril

    JComposites ne souhaite pas encore communiquer sur l'ordre des livraisons avant le Boat Show pour pouvoir privilégier les nouveaux clients souhaitant participer au Spi

    Le: 24 Dec. 2011

    Un J111 sera exposé auBoat Show de Londres du 6 au 15 Janvier 2012

    Le: 28 Nov. 2011

    Essai d'un J111 Allemand (Piranha) par un équipage suédois (texte en anglais)

    Le: 15 Nov. 2011

    J Composites, fabricant pour l'Europe du J/111 sera présent au Nautic stand 1J60 du 3 au 11 Décembre

    Le: 12 Nov. 2011

    Le J111 coque no 57 est actuellement exposé au salon International de Barcelone

    Le: 06 Nov. 2011

    Avec l'arrivée desrègles de classe définitives, c'est toute la monotypie qui se met en place.

    Le J111 élu bateau de l'année 2012 par Voile Mag

    Une très courte vidéo du Jouet dans 30N, sous spi avant qu'il ne perde la tête


    Les règles de classe définitives devrait être publiées par l' ISAF dans quelques semaines.

    Le: 11 Oct. 2011

    le: 26 Sept. 2011

    En plus de l'essai du Jouet par Frédéric Angendre de Voiles et Voiliers

    Voici une petite vidéo réalisée au Grand Pavois 2011

    Le: 21 Sept. 2011

    Les règles de classe définitives du J111 seront disponibles en fin de d'année auprès de l' ISAF.

    Le: 19 Sept. 2011

    Essai du J111 Le Jouet dans V&V n°488 / Octobre 2011

    Le J111 est en course pour l’élection du bateau européen de l’année du magazine Yacht en Allemagne

    Le: 12 Sept. 2011

    Avec l'arrivée de Munkenbeck, Humble en Angleterre est actuellement le port européen le mieux représenté avec quatre J111

    Le: 09 Sept. 2011

    Un J111 exposé sur chaque salon d'automne,Cannes, La Rochelle mais également Southampton

    Le: 01 Sept. 2011

    • h121,7 Noeuds sur Jenga 7 qui dit mieux ?

    • speedoJenga7

    Le: 28 Aout 2011

    Une petite vidéo de J-Xcentric durant la semaine de Cowes

    Le: 28 Aout 2011

    Nous accueillons un journaliste à bord Lundi prochain

    Plus d'informations sur l'article de presse.

    Le: 26 Aout 2011

    Les trois J111 inscrits à la Cowes Week 2011 en IRC2 dans les cinq premiers (1, 3, 5)

    Le:13 Aout 2011

    Le troisième J111 Français sera exposé soit au Grand Pavois de la Rochelle soit au salon de Cannes avant de rejoindre Borme les mimosa, son part d'attache en méditerranée.

    Le: 11 Aout 2011

    • h1 Hull # Numéro 50 monde c'est le neuvième J111 produit en France

    • LeJouetJ111

    Image Camille LEPLARD Le: 30 Juillet 2011

    True Love vainqueur de la J Cup 2011 en IRC1 contre 3 J133, 5 J122 et un autre J111 J-Spirit qui termine quatrième

    Le: 19 Juillet 2011

    Sortie inaugurale pour deux nouveaux J111J Spirit et True Love lors de la J Cup à Guernsey

    Le: 13 Juillet 2011

    Première sortie: Première victoire pour Shmokin Joe N° 3 Europe

    Le: 27 Juin 2011

    La FFV a tranchée le HN du J111est de 30,5 Brut soit 30 Net

    Le: 19 Juin 2011


    Alphalink a été livré à Pornic et mis à l'eau ce Jeudi.

    Le: 10 Juin 2011

    La FFV nous a promis un handicap HN pour le J111 d'ici une quinzaine de jours.

    Le: 30 Mai 2011

    Le premier J111 Europe a quitté les chantiers J Composites de port Olonna en Vendée cette semaine. Le numéro deux devrait arriver à Pornic Mardi 31 Mai avec je l'espère de nombreuses images de cette version européenne du monotype

    le: 28 Mai 2011

    Les systèmes de barre fournis par LEWMAR enfin disponibles, les premiers J111 vont pouvoir quitter les chaînes de montage.

    Le: 25 Mai 2011

    Une nouvelle semaine de retard pour la sortie des premiers J111 Europe

    le: 15 Mai 2011

    Le bateau #1 sortira des chaines de production Européennes Vendredi 13 Mai à destination de la Suisse. Le numéro 2 le Vendredi suivant (20 Mai) vers Pornic (Loire Atlantique).

    Les 3 et 4 sont démoulés et si tout fonctionne comme prévu ils devraient continuer à sortir au rythme de un par semaine.

    Le: 05 Mai 2011

    En plus des J111 pour la France J Composites souhaite produire avant les congés d'été

    6 à 7 unités pour l’Angleterre 3 pour la Hollande 2 pour la Suisse et 1 pour l’Allemagne.

    Le: 8 Avril 2011

    A priori cinq semaines c'était trop court,(entre le bidon de résine et la régate) je crois savoir que le J111 ne sera pas présent au Spi Ouest France

    Le: 5 Avril 2011

    Cinq semaines, c'est le temps qui sépare un bateau dont la fabrication n'a pas commencé de sa première régate.

    La fabrication de la coque numéro 2 est sur le point d'être lancée, ses propriétaires Alexandre et Alain restent confiants, même si le chemin paraît long et le temps très court pour être sur la ligne lors de la première manche du Spi Ouest France le 21 Avril

    Le: 17 Mars 2011

    Au moins six J/111 réunis lors de la J-Cup UK en Juillet à Guernesey

    l'information reste à confirmer, mais si le planning de production de J Composites est exact, au moins 6 J111 seraient présents à Guernesey pour la première régate Européenne du nouveau monotype.

    Le: 26 Fév. 2011

    La première confrontation significative devrait avoir lieu au Spi Ouest France

    Le: 24 Fév. 2011

    Les tableaux de droite ont pour but de référencer tous les J/111 qui souhaitent régater dans le cadre de la monotypie Européenne

    Le 24 fév. 2011